Hello, I'm Tomoko Uchida (打田智子), a.k.a mocobeta. (she/her)

I am a programmer, search engineer, and technical book author. I'm passionate about coding and building search and AI software. I also love engaging in open source projects.

My favorite programming languages are Rust, Python, and Java. For the desktop environment, I like Arch Linux, i3 window manager, and kitty terminal emulator.

OSS Products and Publications

Listed in projects


2019/10 Lucene Kuromoji のコードを読む会 (辞書ビルダー編) (検索技術勉強会スピンオフ回)

2015/10 Pythonで作って学ぶ形態素解析 (PyConJP 2015)

Bio / Contact Info

You can find me on:

LinkedIn Tomoko Uchida

GitHub @mocobeta

Bluesky @mocobeta.dev

E-mail contact@mocobeta.dev